Full program (2023) - HISPhonCog
Free registration by April 15 23 (click)
The program is still subject to change, and it will be finalized by April 10.
HISPhonCog 2023 Program
Day 0 (May 25, Thursday, 2023)
Special Colloquium: 17:00-18:20 | |
17:00-18:20 | Invited Speaker: Adam Ussishkin (University of Arizona) Auditory and visual processing of root morphemes in Maltese |
Day 1 (May 26, Friday, 2023)
08:00-08:50 | Registration (Morning Coffee & Some Korean Rice Cakes and Donuts) |
09:00-09:20 | Opening (Taehong Cho, Chair)
Oral Session 1: 09:20-10:30 Chair: Say Young Kim (HIPCS, Hanyang University) |
09:20-10:00 |
10:00-10:30 2 talks |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee Break |
Oral Session 2: 11:00-12:25 Chair: Sang-Im Lee-Kim (HIPCS, Hanyang University) |
11:00-11:40 |
11:40-12:25 3 talks |
12:25-13:45 | Lunch (1hr 20m) |
Oral Session 3: 13:45-15:10 Chair: Suyeon Yun (Chungnam University) |
13:45-14:25 |
14:25-15:10 3 talks |
Poster Session 1: 15:10-17:00 (48 posters: poster#p01-p48) (see below)
Chair: Jiyoun Choi (Sookmyung Women’s University)
Oral Session 4: 17:00-18:10 Chair: Jeff Holliday (Korea University) |
17:00-17:30 2 talks |
17:30-18:10 |
18:30-21:00 | Reception / Banquet |
Day 2 (May 27, Saturday, 2023)
08:00-08:50 | Registration (Morning Coffee & Some Korean Rice Cakes and Donuts) |
Oral Session 5: 09:00-10:10 Chair: Harim Kwon (Seoul National University) |
09:00-09:40 |
09:40-10:10 2 talks |
10:10-10:40 | Coffee Break |
Oral Session 6: 10:40-12:05 Chair: Minjung Son (Hannam University) |
10:40-11:20 |
11:20-12:05 3 talks |
12:05-13:30 | Lunch (1hr 25m) |
Oral Session 7: 13:30-14:40 Chair: Holger Mitterer (University of Malta/HIPCS) |
13:30-14:10 |
14:10-14:40 2 talks |
Poster Session 2: 14:40-16:30 (45 posters: poster# p49-p93) (see below)
Chair: Jonny Jungyun Kim (Pusan National University/HIPCS)
Oral Session 8: 16:30-17:40 Chair: Jongho Jun (Seoul National University) |
16:30-17:00 2 talks |
17:00-17:40 |
17:40-18:10 | General Discussion and Closing |
Posters on Day 1 (Friday): 15:10-17:00 (Posters # P01~P48)
(P01) Chun-Hsien Hsu, Wen-Chun. Huang, Tong-Hou Cheong (National Central U)
Investigating MMN Responses to Pitch Contrasts in Monolingual and Bilingual Speakers of Tonal Languages
(P02) Jueyu Lu, Albert Lee (Education U of Hong Kong)
The realization of lexical tones in Sichuan opera
(P03) Hyoju Kim, Jieun Lee (U of Kansas)
English listeners’ perceptual adaptation to unfamiliar lexical suprasegmental contrast
(P04) Pamir Gogoi, Luke Horo, Gregory D. S. Anderson (Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages)
Acoustic analysis of Glottal Stops in Mundari
(P05) Vahid Sadeghi (Imam Khomeini International U)
Pitch accent alignment in Persian
(P06) Yike Yang, Dong Han (Hong Kong Shue Yan U)
Language dominance influences L1 attrition and L2 acquisition of lexical tones: Data from Mandarin-speaking immigrants in Hong Kong
(P07) Faith Chiu, Laura Bartoševičiūtė, Albert Lee, Yujia Yao (U of Glasgow; U of Essex; Education U of Hong Kong; U of Essex)
Perceiving speech produced with face masks in competing talker environments
(P08) Ok Joo Lee, Kyungmin Lee (Seoul National U)
Dependent pitch cues in tone perception: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese
(P09) Jae-Eun Jennifer Shin, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho (HIPCS, Hanyang U; Hongik U; HIPCS, Hanyang U)
Alignment of Prosodic and Syntactic Junctures and Vowel-initial Glottalization in Syntactic Disambiguation: A Preliminary Report
(P10) Soohyun Kwon, Taejin Yoon, Sujin Oh, Jeong-Im Han (Seoul National U; Sungshin Women's U; U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Konkuk U)
Variable realization of consonant clusters in Seoul and Gyeongsang Korean
(P11) Zihao Wei (Chinese U of Hong Kong)
Phonological Status of Voiced Fricatives in Fanchang Wu
(P12) Charlize Ma, Effie Kao, Raechel Kitamura, Stephanie Wang, Jahurul Islam, Gillian De Boer, Bryan Gick (U of British Columbia)
Relations between Opinion Convergence, Acoustic Convergence and Movement Convergence in Interlocutors
(P13) Yung-Hsiang Shawn Chang (National Taipei U of Technology)
Effects of consonantal contexts on L2 English tense-lax vowel perception and production
(P14) Cheonkam Jeong, Andrew Wedel (U of Arizona)
The Effect of Cue-specific Lexical Competitors on Hyperarticulation of VOT and F0 Contrasts in Korean stops
(P15) Ai Mizoguchi, Mark K. Tiede, D. H. Whalen (Maebashi Institute of Technology; Haskins Laboratories; Haskins Laboratories)
Effects of fine phonetic detail on speaker identification from Japanese nasal consonants
(P16) Yeong-Joon Kim (MIT)
A generative phonetic approach to the ongoing sound change in Kyengsang Korean
(P17) Maida Percival, Pedro Mateo Pedro, Sonya Bird (U of Toronto; U of Toronto; U of Victoria)
Production and perception of ejective stops in Hul’q’umi’num’ and Q’anjob’al
(P18) Shiyu Zhang, Jeffrey Holliday (Korea U)
Phonetic targets in the clear speech vowel productions of native Chinese learners of Korean
(P19) Ernesto Gutierrez Topete (UC, Berkeley)
Influence of research tasks and linguistic factors on phonetic convergence in language alternation
(P20) Liu Huangmei, Zhang Chunmei (U of Shanghai for Science and Technology)
Sound change reverse via short-term phonetic accommodation: evidence from an in-progress tonal sound change toward the prestigious accent
(P21) Jing Huang, Feng-Fan Hsieh, Yueh-Chin Chang (National Tsing Hua U)
An articulatory study of word-level prominence in two Mandarin dialects
(P22) Qianyutong Zhang, Shanpeng Li, Lei Zhu (Shanghai International Studies U; Nanjing U of Science and Technology; Shanghai International Studies U)
Cross-language perception of parallel encoded emotional and linguistic prosody by Chinese English learners
(P23) Sarah Babinski (U of Zurich)
Structured Suprasegmental Variation: Marking Prominence in Australian Languages
(P24) Christophe d'Alessandro, Gregoire Locqueville (Sorbonne Nouvelle U)
Assessment of finger tapping for rhythm control in performative speech synthesis : a preliminary study
(P25) Hohsien Pan, Shaoren Lyu (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung U)
Taiwan Min Nan Checked Tones Sound Changes
(P26) Kuniko Nielsen (Oakland U)
Phonological Categories in perception and production: the link and individual variability
(P27) Michaela Watkins (U of Amsterdam)
An analysis of F0 enhancement in younger speakers of Standard Seoul Korean in medial and initial phrase position
(P28) Bijun Ling (Tongji U)
How does prosody distinguish Wh-statement from wh-question in Shanghai Chinese
(P29) Sungwok Hwang, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho (HIPCS, Hanyang U; Hongik U; HIPCS, Hanyang U)
Differential effects of prosodic boundary on glottalization of word-initial vowels in Korean: A preliminary report
(P30) Yusheng Mu (Shanghai International Studies U)
The Effect of L1 Tones and L2 Pitch Accent on Lexical Access
(P31) Zhenting Liu, Regine Lai (Chinese U of Hong Kong)
Development of pitch cues in tone discrimination: evidence from Cantonese
(P32) Sheng-Fu Wang (Academia Sinica)
Final lengthening at Tone Sandhi Group boundaries in Taiwan Southern Min: Boundary strength and surprisal
(P33) Stephen Politzer-Ahles, Yixin Cui (U of Kansas; Hong Kong Polytechnic U )
Allotonic variants do not prime each other: evidence from long-lag priming
(P34) Bonnie J. Fox (U of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
Exemplar Effects in the Perception and Production of Advanced and Intermediate L2 Korean Wh-Question Intonation
(P35) James Whang (Seoul National U)
Quantifying Phonetic Informativity: An Information Theoretic Approach
(P36) Shu-Wei Yang, Jung-Yueh Tu (National Chengchi U)
Perception of Korean Coda Consonants /p, t, k/ by Chinese Learners of Korean in Taiwan
(P37) Seung Suk Lee (U of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Detecting the Accentual Phrase boundaries in Seoul Korean using tonal and segmental cues
(P38) May Pik Yu Chan, Meredith Tamminga (U of Pennsylvania)
Is there an optimal window size for a moving window analysis of pitch entrainment?
(P39) Yan Dong (Dalian U of Technology)
Production and Perception of Merging Tones in Dalian Mandarin
(P40) Albert Lee, Yasuaki Shinohara, Faith Chiu, Tsz Ching Mut (Education U of Hong Kong; Waseda U; U of Glasgow; Education U of Hong Kong)
Discrimination and identification of Japanese quantity contrasts by native Cantonese, English, French, and Japanese listeners
(P41) Mei Ying Ki (Chinese U of Hong Kong)
Neutralization of vowel length contrast in Hong Kong Cantonese checked syllables
(P42) Chenhao Chiu, Po-Hsuan Huang (National Taiwan U)
Rounded or unrounded? An examination of high vowels in Taiwan Mandarin
(P43) Jonny Jungyun Kim, Mijung Lee (Pusan National U; Independent researcher)
Vowels in probabilistically easy and hard words produced by L1 and L2 speakers
(P44) Chieh-Ching Chen, Janice Fon (National Taiwan U)
Dialectal Variation of the Effect of Prosodic Prominence on Diphthong Reduction in Taiwan Mandarin – using /aɪ/ as an example
(P45) Hyunjung Joo, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho (Rutgers U; Hongik U; HIPCS, Hanyang U)
Tonal alignment with articulatory gestures in South Kyungsang Korean
(P46) Jungah Lee, Taehong Cho, Sahyang Kim (HIPCS, Hanyang U; HIPCS, Hanyang U; Hongik U)
Gender-related variation of nasality and sound change of denasalization driven by prosodic boundaries in Seoul Korean: A preliminary report
(P47) Le Xuan Chan, Rina Furusawa, Rin Tsujita, Seunghun Lee (National U of Singapore; International Christian U; International Christian U; International Christian U)
Prosodic Realizations of Accented and Unaccented Postpositions in Japanese
(P48) Wai-Sum Lee, Eric Zee (City U of Hong Kong)
Sound change and emergence of patterns of the syllable-final consonants in the Chinese dialects
Posters on Day 2 (Saturday): 14:40-16:30 (Posters P49~P93)
(P49) Maho Morimoto, Ai Mizoguchi, Takayuki Arai (Sophia U; Maebashi Institute of Technology; Sophia U)
Place Assimilation of the Moraic Nasal to /r/ in Japanese
(P50) Luke Horo, Pamir Gogoi, Gregory D. S. Anderson (Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages)
Prominence in Mundari Disyllables and Inflected Polysyllabic Nouns
(P51) Jiwon Hwang, Hyunah Baek, Ellen Broselow (Stony Brook U; Ajou U; Stony Brook U)
Korean speakers' perception of cues to liquid contrasts: an EEG study
(P52) Yufei Niu, Ricky Ka Wai Chan (U of Hong Kong)
Phonetic cue-weighting in the production of Mandarin rising [T2] and low [T3] tones by Japanese learners
(P53) Jiyoung Lee, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho (HIPCS, Hanyang U; Hongik U; HIPCS, Hanyang U)
Intergestural CV timing of homophonous words with different morphological structures: A preliminary report on liquid /l/ in Korean
(P54) Chenhao Chiu, Wei-Cheng Hsiao, Huang-Yu Shih, Bao-Yu Hsieh, Yining Weng (National Taiwan U; Chang Gung U; Chang Gung U; Chang Gung U; National Taiwan U)
Estimating tongue stiffness during phonation using ultrasound passive shear wave elastography
(P55) Joo-Kyeong Lee (U of Seoul)
The effects of ultrasound image feedback on Korean L2 learners’ production of English /r/ in production traininig
(P56) Tsz Ching Mut, Candide Simard, Apolonia Tamata, Kwing Lok Albert Lee (Education U of Hong Kong; U of South Pacific; U of South Pacific; Education U of Hong Kong)
Focus Prosody in Fijian: a Pilot Study
(P57) Wai Ling Law, Olga Dmitrieva, Lan Li, Jette Hansen Edwards (Hong Kong U of Science and Technology; Purdue U; Chinese U of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Chinese U of Hong Kong)
Social evaluations of speech vary as a function of perceived speaker nativeness
(P58) Xinyue Liu, Peggy Mok (Chinese U of Hong Kong)
Dialect levelling across generations: A socio-phonetic study of the medial [i] and vowel shift in the Jin dialect spoken in Baotou, China
(P59) Rina Furusawa, Shigeto Kawahara (International Christian U; Keio U)
Exploring the impact of phonological restrictions on phonetic implementation patterns using singing voice: The case of kobushi singing in Japanese
(P60) Changhe Chen, Jonathan Havenhill (U of Hong Kong)
Vowel Nasality and Nasal Excrescence in Shanghai Chinese
(P61) Zhen Qin, Sang-Im Lee-Kim (Hong Kong U of Science and Technology; Hanyang U)
The effect of second-language learning experience on Korean listeners’ use of pitch cues in the perception of Cantonese tones
(P62) Renata Kochančikaitė, Mikael Roll (Lund U)
Individual Differences in Phonological Proficiency and Correlation with Pitch Sensitivity: Three Types of Perceivers
(P63) Gwanhi Yun, Jae-Hyun Sung (Daegu U; Kongju National U)
Non-native articulatory variability in English phonological rule application: Evidence from Korean and Indian learners
(P64) Sophia Burnett (CY Cergy Paris U)
In my humble opinion: The prosodic portrayal of the non-standard 1sg
(P65) Hongmei Li, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho (Yanbian U; Hongik U; HIPCS, Hanyang U)
Effects of focus and lexical tones on preboundary lengthening and its kinematic characteristics in Mandarin Chinese: A preliminary report
(P66) Yubin Zhang, Annie Rialland, Louis Goldstein (U of Southern California; Sorbonne Nouvelle U; U of Southern California)
A dynamical systems approach to F0 hard-landing downtrends in Embosi
(P67) Hye-Sook Park, Sunhee Kim (Seoul National U)
Acoustic Correlates of Emphatic Accent in French Vowels /i, a, u/
(P68) Jiyoung Jang, Argyro Katsika (UC, Santa Barbara)
Edgy articulation: the kinematic profile of Accentual Phrase boundaries in Seoul Korean
(P69) Suyeon Im, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho (Soongsil U; Hongik U; HIPCS, Hanyang U)
Some asymmetrical pre- versus post-focal effects on articulatory realization of prominence distribution in Korean: A preliminary report
(P70) Frank Lihui Tan, Youngah Do (U of Hong Kong)
Bottom-up Learning of Phonetic System using Autoencoder
(P71) Lindy Comstock (UCLA)
Russian prosody as a special case of the mobile stress system in Indo-European languages
(P72) Dong Han, Mingyang Yu (Hong Kong Shue Yan U; City U of Hong Kong)
A Perceptual Study on the Distinctive Feature of Entering Tones in Guangzhou Cantonese
(P73) Donghyun Kim, Andrew Lee, Ron Thomson (Kumoh National Institute of Technology; Brock U; Brock U)
The roles of talker variability, lexical frequency, and listener characteristics in second language speech perception
(P74) Daniel Pape (McMaster U)
Perceptual stability of sibilants undergoing acoustic variation: Interplay between acoustic processing versus influences of articulatory and/or motor patterns
(P75) Jake Aziz (UCLA)
Acoustic Evidence for Gestural Alignment: Vowel Devoicing in Malagasy
(P76) Jiyeon Song, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho (HIPCS, Hanyang U; Hongik U; HIPCS, Hanyang U)
A Preliminary Study about Disappearing Laryngeal and Supralaryngeal Articulatory Distinction of the Three-way Contrast of Korean Velar Stops
(P77) Hyun-ju Kim (State U of New York, Korea)
Pitch accent in North Kyungsang Korean spoken word recognition
(P78) Dae-yong Lee, Melissa Baese-Berk (HIPCS, Hanyang U; U of Oregon)
Effect of listeners’ linguistic experience on generalization of adaptation
(P79) Yishan Huang (U of Sydney)
Is Southern Min Tone Circle a Real Thing?
(P80) Ching-Hung Lai, Chenhao Chiu (National Cheng Kung U; National Taiwan U)
The effects of ultrasound biofeedback on vowel acoustics
(P81) Hsueh Chu Chen, Jing Xuan Tian (Education U of Hong Kong)
Cross-linguistic Influences among L1, L2, and L3 Monophthongs by Cantonese Speakers in the Multilingual Context
(P82) Eunkyung Sung, Sunhee Lee, Sehoon Jung (Cyber Hankuk U of Foreign Studies; Cyber Hankuk U of Foreign Studies; Kyungsung U)
The Effects of VOT on Lexical Access by L1 and L2 Listeners: An Eye-Tracking Study
(P83) Drew Crosby (U of South Carolina)
SSANOVA as a Method of Examining Nasality in Korean Aegyo
(P84) Chi-Wei Wang, Bo-Wei Chen, Bo-Xuan Huang, Ching-Hung Lai, Chenhao Chiu (National Taiwan U; National Taiwan U; National Taiwan U; National Cheng Kung U; National Taiwan U)
Evaluating forced alignment for under-resourced languages: A test on Squliq Atayal
(P85) Ted Kye (U of Washington)
Denasalization and the phonological representation of voiced stops in Lushootseed
(P86) Hijo Kang, Hyun-ju Kim (Chosun U; State U of New York, Korea)
L2 phonetic development in English stress acquisition by EFL and ESL Korean speakers
(P87) Jieun Lee, Hanyong Park (U of Kansas; U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Within-category cue sensitivity in native language perception and its relation to non-native phonological contrast learning
(P88) Jingxuan Tian (Education U of Hong Kong)
Cross-linguistic Influences on Speech Prosody by Cantonese Multilingual Speakers
(P89) Yichen Wang, Benjamin Kramer, Noah Macey, Michael Stern, Yuyang Liu, Jason Shaw (Michigan State U; Yale U; Yale U; Yale U; Yale U; Yale U)
Crosslinguistic Influence on the Gestural Dynamics of Focus Prosody in Native Mandarin Learners of L2 English
(P90) Po-Hsuan Huang, Chenhao Chiu (National Taiwan U)
Tonal Coarticulation in Taiwan Mandarin and Taiwan Southern Min
(P91) Minkyoung Hong, Jeffrey Holliday (Korea U)
The role of L2 English in the perception of L3 Korean sibilants by L1 speakers of French and Vietnamese
(P92) Junkai Li, Chen Lu (Tianjin U; Shaanxi Normal U)
Syllabic perception of vowels: evidence from interlanguage
(P93) Jonathan Havenhill, Ming Liu, Shuang Zheng, Jonah Lack (U of Hong Kong)
Audiovisual enhancement in clear speech production of English laterals