Presentations - 조태홍 교수 Prof. Taehong Cho
Presentations and invited talks
Perceptual Training Enhances Seoul Korean Listeners’ Use of Vowel Quality and Pitch Cues to English Lexical Stress. (Annie Tremblay, Hyoju Kim, K. Dobbs; Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho). The 183rd Meeting of Acoustical Society of America. Nashville, Tennessee, USA. 2022.12.07.
Temporal Variation in Intergestural Timing of CVC Gestures in Korean Homophones. (Suyeon Im, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho). The Fall Conference of The Korean Society of Speech Sciences (KSSS). (Online). 2022.11.25.
Prosodic Structure as an Integral Component of Speech Production and Perception. (Taehong Cho). Keynote speaker at SICOL-2022: The 2022 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics. Language in interaction: New perspectives and approaches. Korea (Online). 2022.08.11
Linguistic functions of prosodic-structurally driven fine phonetic detail in speech production and perception. (Taehong Cho). A keynote speaker. The 29th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference. Nagoya University & NINJAL. 2021.10.11.
Acoustic Distance and Perceived Similarity May Explain Cross-linguistic Influences in L3 Vowel Production. (Xinran Ren, Peggy Mok & Taehong Cho) Virtual Workshop on L3 Development After the Initial State (L3-AIS) Boston University. 2021.10.01
Phonetic reality and cognitive linguistic function of abstract prosodic structure. (Taehong Cho). World Congress of Korean Language 2020 (2020 세계한국어대회) 2020.12.22
Examining Phonetic and Phonological Effects of the Native Intonational System on Second-Language Speech Segmentation. (Annie Tremblay, Seul-gi Shin, Sahyabng Kim & Taehong Cho) New Sounds 2019. Waseda University. 2019.08.29
Effects of prosodic structure on voice quality associated with Korean three-way stop contrast (Jiyoug Jang, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho). HISPhonCog 2019. Hanyang University. 2019.05.24-25.
Prosodic boundary and prominence effects on vowel nasalization in Australian English versus American English. (Hyunjung Joo, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho). HISPhonCog 2019. Hanyang University. 2019.05.24-25.
Prosodic-structural Modulation of Vowel Nasalization in Mandarin Chinese. (Hongmei Li, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho). HISPhonCog 2019. Hanyang University. 2019.05.24.
Some theoretical and practical issues in K-ToBI. (Taehong Cho, Sahyang Kim, & Jungyun Seo). Workshop on Theoretical and Practical Issues in Korean ToBI (K-ToBI). Hanyang University. 2019.05.23.
The acquisition of prosodic phrasing for focus-marking purposes in Seoul Korean-speaking children (Anqi Yang, Taehong Cho, Sahyang Kim, and Aoju Chen. The Second International Conference on Theoretical East Asian Psycholinguistics (ICTEAP-2). 2019.03.16.
Effects of mora, lexical pitch accent, and focus on Japanese preboundary lengthening. (Jungyun Seo, Sahyang Kim, Haruo Kubozono, Taehong Cho). A talk presented at the 26th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference. UCLA, USA, Nov. 28-Dec.01, 2018.
Prosodic-structural modulation of vowel nasalization in Korean and L2 English. (Jiyoung Jang, Sahyang Kim and Taehong Cho). A talk presented at LabPhon 16. Lisbon, June 19-22, 2018.
Gradient effects of incremental tonal changes in Korean speech segmentation. (Annie Tremblay, Taehong Cho, Sahyang Kim and Seulgi Shin). LabPhon 16. Lisbon, June 19-22, 2018.
Prosodic modulation in phonological inferencing: an eyetracking study on the processing of Korean post-obstruent tensing rule. (Sahyang Kim, Holger Mitterer and Taehong Cho). LabPhon 16. Lisbon, June 19-22, 2018.
Gradient effects of tonal scaling in the segmentation of Korean speech: An artificial-language segmentation study. (Tremblay, A., Cho, T., Kim, S., & Shin, S). The 9th Speech Prosody Conference 2018. 13-16 June, 2018. Poznań, Poland.
Use of tonal information in Korean lexical access. (Tremblay, A., Shin, S., Kim, S., & Cho, T.) The 9th Speech Prosody Conference 2018. 13-16 June, 2018. Poznań, Poland.
Prosodic strengthening on consonnatal nasality and its asymmetric coarticulatory influence on vowel nasalization in CVN# and #NVC in English (T. Cho, D. Kim, S. Kim) A talk at The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), SECC Glasgow, Scotland UK. 10-14, Aug. 2015.
Patterns of generalization of perceptual learning on phonetic representations. (H. Mitterer, T. Cho & S. Kim ) A talk at The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), SECC Glasgow, Scotland UK. 10-14, Aug. 2015.
What is special about prosodic strengthening in Korean: Evidence in lingual movement in V#V and V#CV. (S. Shin, S. Kim & T. Cho) A talk at The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), SECC Glasgow, Scotland UK. 10-14, Aug. 2015.
Speech segmentation is adaptive even in adulthood: role of the linguistic environment. (J. Namjoshi, T. Tremblay, E. Spinelli, M. Broersma, M. Martínez-García, K. Connell, T. Cho & S. Kim) A talk at The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), SECC Glasgow, Scotland UK. 10-14, Aug. 2015.
Phonetic encoding of coda voicing contrast and its interaction with information structure in L1 and L2 speech. (J. Choi, T. Cho, S. Kim, Y. Baek & J. Jang) A poster at The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), SECC Glasgow, Scotland UK. 10-14, Aug. 2015.
Phonetic focus-marking in Korean-speaking 7-to-8-year-olds and adults. (A. Yang, T. Cho, S. Kim & A. Chen) A poster at The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), SECC Glasgow, Scotland UK. 10-14, Aug. 2015.
Inseparability of boundary and prominence strengthening effects in Korean and implications for dynamical theories. (T. Cho) An invited talk at the 2nd Workshop on Dynamic Modeling, University of Cologne, Germany. 11-12, June, 2015.
Acoustic cue weighting across modalities in a non-native sound contrast. (J. Schertz, A. Lotto, N. Warner & T. Cho). A talk presented at the 116th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. San Francisco, CA, USA. Dec. 03, 2013.
Effects of prosodic boundary and syllable structure on CV articulation and its intergestural timing in Korean. An invited talk at Workshop on Dynamic Modeling of Articulation and Prosodic Strcuture. University of Colonge, Germany. May 07, 2012.
Recency of immersion in L2 environment more important than L2 proficiency in speech segmentation. (M. Broersma, J. Namjoshi, A. Tremblay, S. Kim, & T. Cho). A poster presented at the Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 6-8.
Effects of Continuing Linguistic Input on the Use ofSegmentation Cues. (J. Namjoshi, A. Tremblay, M. Broersma, S. Kim, & T. Cho). An oreal presentaton at the 2012 Second Language Research Forum (Oct , 2012 Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh).
Influence of recent linguistic exposure on the segmentation on an unfamiliar language. (J. Namjoshi, A. Tremblay, M. Broersma, S. Kim, & T. Cho). A poster presented at the 164th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Kansas City, Missouri, Oct 22-26.
Durational effects of stress, accent, and voicing on the preceding word-final syllable in English. (J. Kim, S. Kim, & T. Cho). An oral presentation at the 17th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), Hong Kong, August 17-21, 2011.
Effects of prosodic boundary versus accent in the articulation of English /æ/ in #VC and #CVC. (S. Kim & T. Cho). An oral presentation at the 17th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), Hong Kong, August 17-21, 2011.
Stability of CV ingergestural timing and coordination as a function of prosodic boundary and syllable structure in Korean. (Y. Yoon, S. Kim & T. Cho). An oral presentation at the 17th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), Hong Kong, August 17-21, 2011.
Prosodic strengthening in speech production and perception: An overview. An invited talk. Department of English Language & Literature, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. November 14, 2011.
Modulation of speech production and perception by prosody. (T. Cho). An invited talk given at Brain Science Workshop 2011. Organized by Wisdom Science Center, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. May 23, 2011.
Some perceptual aspects of native and non-native speech. (T. Cho). An oral presentation given at Hanyang-Oregon International Symposium on Linguistics 2009. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA. August 13, 2009.
Native and non‐native prosodic cues in segmentation and learning. (S. Kim & T. Cho). An oral presenation given at the 33rd GLOW. The University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland, April 17, 2010.
Prosodic strengthening in speech production and perception. (T. Cho). An invited talk at the 33rd GLOW. The University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland, April 17, 2010. (Special section on Positional phenomena in phonology and phonetics).
Prosodic strengthening in speech production and perception. (T. Cho). A talk given at Hanyang-Oregon Linguistics Symposium 2007. Hanyang University, Seouil, Korea. June 28, 2007.
Prosodic strengthening in speech production and comprehension. (T. Cho) Invited Talk. The Institute for Language and Information. Seogang University, November 29, 2007.
Fine-grained phonetic signatures of prosodic structure and their psychological reality in spoken word recognition. (T. Cho). Invited Talk. Dept. of English Lang. & Literature, Sungkyunkwan University, November 17, 2006.
Influence of prosodic factors on segment articulations and acoustics in English (P. Keating & T. Cho). A talk given at the 150th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, USA. October 17, 2005.
Phonotactics vs. phonetic cues in native and non-native listening: Dutch and Korean listeners’ perception of Dutch and English. (T. Cho & J. Mcqueen). The 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2004). Jeju, Korea. October 4-9, 2004.
Acoustic correlates of phrase-internal lexical boundaries in Dutch. (T. Cho & E. Johnson) The 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2004). Jeju, Korea. October 4-9, 2004.
Phonetic signatures of prosodic structure and their psychological reality reflected in spoken word recognition. Invited talk. Department of Psychology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. October 4, 2004.
Phonetic signatures of prosodic structure and featural enhancement. Invited talk at the Colloquium. Institute of Phonetics, University of Cologne, Germany. July 12, 2004.
Mapping phonologically altered speech onto the lexicon: The case of consonant cluster simplification in Korean. (T. Cho & J. McQueen) Platform talk given at The Fourth International Conference on the Mental Lexicon. Windsor, Canada. June 30 - July 3, 2004.
Perceptual reality of phonetically-driven phonology: Place assimilation and consonant cluster simplification at different prosodic boundaries. (T. Cho & J. McQueen) Poster presented at the 9th Conference on Laboratory Phonology. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 24 - June 26, 2004.
Prosodic and phonotactic influences on fricative voicing assimilation in German. (C. Kuzla & T. Cho) Poster presented at the 9th Conference on Laboratory Phonology. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 24 - June 26, 2004.
Lexical stress, phrasal accent and prosodic boundaries in the realization of domain-initial stops in Dutch. Paper presented at the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) . Barcelona, Spain 2003
The use of domain-initial strengthening in segmentation of continuous English speech. Paper presented at the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) . Barcelona, Spain 2003
Phonetic signatures of prosodic structure and their use in spoken word recognition. Invited talk gvien at New York University (February 2003) and Northwestern University (February 2003).
Manifestation of Prosodic Structure in Articulation:Evidence from Lip Movement Kinematics in English. A talk present at the 8th conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 8). New Haven, Connecticut, June 27-30, 2002.
Effects of prosody on vowel-to-vowel coarticulation in English: An EMA study. Invited talk given at University of Southern California (May 2001), Max-Plank-Institute for Psycholinguistics (February 2001), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (January 2001). A shorter version also presented at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America (LSA), Washington, January, 2001.
An articulatory study of prosodically conditioned V-to-V coarticulation in English. 140th Meeting of Acoustical Society of America.Newport Beach,California 3-8 December 2000.
Articulation of word and sentence stress. 140th Meeting of Acoustical Society of America.Newport Beach,California 3-8 December 2000. (With P. Keating, M. Baroni, S. Mattys, L. Bernstein, B. Chaney, A. Alwan.)
Domain-initial strengthening as featural enhancement: Aerodynamic evidence from Korea. Paper to be present in Chicago Linguistics Society 36 (CLS 36). (co-authored with S. Jun)
Effects of prosody on vowel (co)articulation in English. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America (LSA), Chicago, January 6-9 2000.
Effects of prosody on Vowel-to-Vowel coarticulation in English. Paper to be presented at International Congress of Phonetics Science (ICPhS), San Francisco, California, August 2-8 1999.
Intra-dialectal variation in Korean consonant cluster simplification: A stochastic approach. Paper presented at Chicago Linguistics Society 35 (CLS 35), April 22-24 1999.
Acoustic correlates of articulatory prosodic strengthening in Korean. Paper presented at 136th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Norfolk, Virginia. Oct. 12-16 1998.
Specification of intergestural timing and overlap: EMA and EPG studies. Paper presented at the conference of Linguistics and Phonetics '98 (LP '98), Ohio State University, Ohio. Sep. 14-20 1998.
The specification of Voice Onset Time. (Co-authored with P. Ladefoged.) Paper presented at 6th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 6). York University. York, England. 2-4 June, 1998.
Domain-initial articulatory strengthening in four languages. (Co-authored with P. Keating, C. Fougeron, and C. Hsu.) Paper presented at 6th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 6). York University. York, England. 2-4 June, 1998.
Domain-initial strengthening in the prosodic hierarchy: an EPG study. Paper presented at 11th International Conference on Korean Linguistics (ICKL). University of Hawaii at Manoa. 6-9 July, 1998.
Intergestural timing and overlap in Korean palatalization: An Optimality-Theoretic Approach. Paper presented at 8th Japanese/Korean Linguistic. Cornell University. Ithaca, New York.
Phonetically-driven Optimality-Theoretic analysis of opacity: with special reference to palatalization in Korean. Paper presented at the fourth Seoul International Conference on Linguistics. Seoul, Korea. Aug. 11-15, 1997.
The role of variable vowel duration in differentiating stop phonation in Korean. Paper presented at 132nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Hawaii. December. 1996
On deriving heterosyllabic consonant clusters in Korean. Paper presented at 8th Annual Conference on Linguistics and Literature. Denton, TX. 1996.
Korean stops and affricates: Acoustic and perceptual characteristics of the following vowel. Paper presented at 130th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. St. Louis, MO. 1995.