

Katsika, A., Jang, J. (2024). Prosodic encoding of focus and edge-prominence: an articulatory study of Seoul Korean. In: T. Cho, S. Kim, J. Holliday and S. Lee-Kim (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (pp. 55-56). Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HIPCS).

Oh, S., Kim, S., & Cho, T. (2024). Variation in intergestural timing of a glide with a preceding onset consonant in Korean. In: T. Cho, S. Kim, J. Holliday and S. Lee-Kim (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (pp. 57-58). Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HIPCS).

Hatcher, R. (2024). Cayuga “Accent” or Intonation: Bridging Lexical Stress and Phrase-Level Prosody. In: T. Cho, S. Kim, J. Holliday and S. Lee-Kim (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (pp. 297-298). Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HIPCS).

Jang, J., Kim, S., Cutler, A., Cho, T. (2024). Glottalization of non-initial vowels in marking prosodic structure in American and Australian Englishes. In: T. Cho, S. Kim, J. Holliday and S. Lee-Kim (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (pp. 333-334). Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HIPCS).


Taehong Cho (Edited, 2023) Various Aspects of Phonetics-Prosody Interface in Relation to Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Information Structure and Other Extralinguistic Factors.  Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HIPCS).

Jiyeon Song, Sahyang Kim, & Taehong Cho (2023). A preliminary study on laryngeal and supralaryngeal articulatory distinction of the three-way contrast of Korean velar stops. Phonetics and Speech Sciences, vol. 15(1), 19-24.


Taehong Cho (2022). Linguistic functions of prosody and its phonetic encoding with special reference to Korean. In K. Horie, K. Akita, Y. Kubota, D. Y. Oshima and A. Utsugi (Eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 29 (pp. 1-24). CLSI Publications (Stanford University).  [PDF]

Taehong Cho (2022). The phonetics-prosody interface and prosodic strengthening in Korean. In S. Cho and J. Whitman (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Korean Linguistics (pp. 248-293). Cambridge University Press. [PDF]

Du, Ziqian, Sahyang Kim, & Taehong Cho (2022). Production of coda voicing contrast of L2 English by native Mandarin Chinese speakers in comparison with native Korean speakers. Journal of Acoustical Society of American Express Letters 2, 085202. [PDF] (SCI)

Steffman, Jeremy, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho & Sun-Ah Jun (2022). Prosodic phrasing mediates listeners' perception of temporal cues: Evidence from the Korean Accentual Phrase. Journal of Phonetics 94, 101156. pp.1-13. [PDF] (SSCI, Q1)

Jang, Jiyoung, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2022). Prosodic structural effects on non-contrastive coarticulatory vowel nasaliation in L2 English by Korean learners. Language and Speech  [PDF] (SSCI, Q1)

Kim, Sahyang, Jiyoun Choi & Taehong Cho (2022). Data on English coda voicing contrast under different prosodic conditions produced by American English speakers and Korean learners of English. Data in Brief, 46: 108816, pp.1-11. (Scopus, Open Access) (Scopus)

Im, Suyeon & Ahn, H. (2022). Effects of parts of speech on implicit prosodic prominence by native English speakers and Korean learners of English. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics, 22, 1-18. [PDF]


Jang, Hyesun. (2021). After the Peace: Performing Placelessness in David Ireland’s Cyprus AvenueJournal of Modern English Drama34 (3), 203-28. [PDF]

Taehong Cho (2021). The phonetics-prosody interface and prosodic strengthening in Korean. In S. Cho and J. Whitman (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Korean Linguistics (pp. 248-293). Cambridge University Press.  [PDF]   
Seo, Jungyun, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2021). Data on preboundary lengthening in Tokyo Japanese as a function of prosodic prominence, boundary, lexical pitch accent and moraic structure. Data in Brief, 35: 106919, pp.1-12. (Scopus, Open Access) [PDF

Taehong Cho (2021).  Where we are at: Impact, special collections, open science and registered report at the Journal of Phonetics. (Editorial) Journal of Phonetics, 89, 101113.
ttps:// (SSCI, Q1)

Mitterer, Holger, Sahyang Kim, & Taehong Cho (2021). Glottal stops do not constrain lexical access as do oral stops do. PloSOne, 16(11): e0259573. (SCI, Q1)


Jo, K., Hong, Seungjin & Kim, K. (2020) Cross-linguistic Influence in the Use of Be in L3 English by L1-Chinese and L1-Russian Children in Korea. English Teaching 75(s), 35-53.  [PDF]

Politzer-Ahles, S. & Im, Suyeon. (2020). Mismatch negativity is not always modulated by lexicality. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 556457. [PDF]

Im, Suyeon. & Ahn, H. (2020). Perception of prosodic boundaries by native English speakers and Korean learners of English. In O. Kang, S. Staples, K. Yaw, & K. Hirschi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching conference, ISSN 2380-9566, Northern Arizona University, September 2019 (pp. 218–228). Ames, IA: Iowa State University. [PDF]
Choi, Jiyoun, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2020). An apparent-time study of an ongoing sound change in Seoul Korean: A prosodic account.  PloS ONE, 15(10): e0240682 (pp.1-29). (SCI, Free Open Access) [PDF]

Cho, Taehong & Doris Mücke (2020). Articulatory Measures of Prosody. In C. Gussenhoven and A. Chen (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody (pp. 16-38). Oxford University Press. [PDF]

Mitterer, Holger, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2020). The role of segmental information in syntactic processsing through the syntax-prosody interface. Language and Speech (online first)[PDF]

Li, Hongmei, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2020). Prosodic structurally conditioned variation of coarticulatory vowel nasalization in Mandarin Chinese: Its language specificity and cross-linguistic generalizability. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Americ (JASA Express Letter), 148(3), EL240-246. (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Tremblay, Annie, Sahyang Kim, Seulgi Shin & Taehong Cho, (2020). Re-examining the effect of phonological similarity between the native- and second-language intonational systems in second-language speech segmentation.  Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 1-13 (First View) (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Mitterer, Holger, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2020). Datasets on the production and perception of underlying and epenthetic glottal stops in Maltese. Data in Brief, 30, 105543 (pp.1-9). (Scopus, Open Access) [PDF]


Jang, Hyesun. (2019). Imagining Alternative Northern Ireland: Spatial Dynamics in Stewart Parker’s PentecostJournal of Modern English Drama, 32 (1), 279-304. [PDF]

Seo, Jungyun, Sahyang Kim, Haruo Kubozono & Taehong Cho (2019). Preboundary lengthening in Japanese: To what extent do lexical pitch accent and moraic structure matter? Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(3), 1817-1823. (Free Open Access) [PDF]
Mitterer, Holger, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2019). The glottal stop between segmental and suprasegmental processing: The case of Maltese. Journal of Memory and Language (JML), 108, 104034, 1-19.  DOI: (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]
Tremblay, Annie, Taehong Cho, Sahyang Kim & Seulgi Shin (2019). Phonetic and phonological effects of tonal information in the segmentation of Korean speech: An artificial-language segmentation study. Applied Psycholinguisics, 40, 1221-1240. DOI: (SSCI) [PDF]
Cho, Taehong, D.H. Whalen & Gerald Docherty. (2019). Voice onset time and beyond: Exploring laryngeal contrast in 19 languages. Journal of Phonetics, 72, 52-65. DOI: (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]


Kim, Sahyang, Jiseung Kim, and Taehong Cho (2018). Prosodic-structural modulation of stop voicing contrast along the VOT continuum in trochaic and iambic words in American English. Journal of Phonetics, 71, 65-80. (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Kim, Sahyang, Jiseung Kim, and Taehong Cho (2018). Stop voicing contrast in American English: Data of individual speakers in trochaic and iambic words in dfferent prosodic structural contexts.  Data in Brief21, 980-988. (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Kim, Sahyang, Holger Mitterer, and Taehong Cho (2018). A time course of prosodic modulation in phonological inferencing: The case of Korean post-obstruent tensing. Plos One, 13(8): e0202912, 1-28. (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Jang, Jiyoung, Sahyang Kim, and Taehong Cho (2018). Focus and boundary effects on coarticulatory vowel nasalization in Korean with implications for cross-linguistic similarities and differences. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144, EL33-39; (SCI, Open Access) [PDF]


Cho, Taehong , Daejin Kim & Sahyang Kim (2017). Prosodically-conditioned fine-tuning of coarticulatory vowel nasalization in English. Journal of Phonetics, 64,71-89.  (SSCI) [PDF]:Link to Elsevier (open access)

Kim, Sahyang, Jiyoung Jang & Taehong Cho (2017). Articulatory characteristics of preboundary lengthening in interaction with prominence on tri-syllabic words in American English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(4), EL362-368. (Express Letter) SCI [PDF]

Mücke, Doris, Anne Hermes & Taehong Cho (2017). Mechanisms of regulation in speech: Linguistic structure and physical control system. Journal of Phonetics, 64,1-7.  (SSCI) [PDF]: Link to Elsevier (open access)

Tremblay, Annie, Jui Namjoshi, Elsa Spinelli, Mirjam Broersma, Taehong Cho, Sahyang Kim, Maria Teresa Martinez-Garcia & Katrina Connell. (2017). Experience with a second language affects the use of fundamental frequency in speech segmentation. PLOS ONE, 12(7), 1-17. (SCI-E): Link to Open Access


Lee, S. & Hong, Seung-Jin. (2016) An Experimental Study of Neg-Raising Inferences in Korean. In P. Larrivee & C. Lee (Eds.), Negation and polarity: experimental perspectives (pp. 257-277). Cham: Springer.

Lee, C. & Hong, Seungjin. (2016) The Cloud of Knowing: Non-factive al-ta ‘know’ (as a Neg- raiser) in Korean, In Proceedings of PACLIC 30 (pp. 527-533).  [PDF]

Choi, Jiyoun, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2016). Phonetic encoding of coda voicing contrast under different focus conditions in L1 vs. L2 English. Frontiers in Psycholology, 7, Article 624, 1-17. [PDF]: Open Access

Mitterer, Holger, Taehong Cho & Sahyang Kim (2016). What are the letters of speech? Testing the role of phonological specification and phonetic similarity in perceptual learning. Journal of Phonetics, 56, 110-123. (SSCI) [PDF]: from Elsevier (open access pdf) (online open access)

Taehong Cho (2016). Prosodic boundary strengthening in the phonetics-prosody interface. Language and Linguistics Compass, 10(3), 120-141. (SCOPUS) [PDF]

Choi, Jiyoun, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2016). Effects of L1 prosody on segmental contrast in L2: The case of English stop voicing contrast produced by Korean speakers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of American, 39(3), EL76-82 (Express Letter) (SCI) [PDF]

Cho, Taehong, Minjung Son & Sahyang Kim (2016). Articulatory reflexes of the three-way contrast in labial stops and kinematic evidence for domain-initial strengthening in Korean. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, DOI: 10.1017/S0025100315000481 (A&HCI) [PDF]

Mitterer, Holger, Taehong Cho & Sahyang Kim (2016). How does prosody influence speech categorization? Journal of Phonetics, 54, 68-79. (SSCI) [PDF]

Schertz, Jessamyn, Taehong Cho, Andrew Lotto & Natash Warner (2016). Individual differences in perceptual adaptability of foreign sound categories. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(1), 355-367. (SSCI) [PDF]


Jang, Hyesun. (2015). Neo-Victorian Novel and Empowerment: A. S. Byatt’s The Children’s Book. Institutes for Cultures of English Speaking Nation, 8 (2), 241-67. [PDF]

Jang, Hyesun. (2015). The Genealogy of the Damned: Yeats’s Purgatory (1939) and Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! (1936). The Yeats Society of Korea, 47, 145-63.  [PDF]

Cho, Taehong (2015). Language effects on timing at the segmental and suprasegmental levels. In M. A. Redford, (Ed.), The Handbook of Speech Production (pp. 505-529). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. [PDF]

Schertz, Jessamyn, Taehong Cho, Andrew Lotto & Natash Warner (2015). Individual differences in phonetic cue use in production and perception of a non-native sound contrast. Journal of Phonetics, 52, 183-204. [PDF] or from Elsevier


Hahn, H. & Hong, Seungjin. (2014) Processing Scrambled Wh-constructions in Head-Final Languages: Dependency Resolution and Feature Checking. Language and Information 18(2), 59-80. (KCI) [PDF]
Cho, Taehong , Yoonjung Lee & Sahyang Kim (2014). Prosodic strengthening on the /s/-stop cluster and the phonetic implementation of an allophonic rule in English. Journal of Phonetics, 46, 128-146. (SSCI) [PDF]: from Elsevier (open access)

Cho, Taehong, Yeomin Yoon & Sahyang Kim (2014). Effects of prosodic boundary and syllable structure on the temporal realization of CV gestures in Korean. Journal of Phonetics,44, 96-109. (SSCI) [PDF] (from Elsevier)

Mücke, Doris, Martine Grice & Taehong Cho (2014). More than a magic moment - Paving the way for dynamics of articulation and prosodic structure. Journal of Phonetics, 44, 1-7. [PDF] (from Elsevier) (SSCI).

Kim, Sahyang & Taehong Cho (2014). Articulatory modification of /m/ in the coda and the onset as a function of prosodic boundary strength and focus in Korean. Journal of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences, 6(4), 3-15. [PDF]


Lee, S. & Hong, Seung-Jin. (2012) Neg-Raising in Korean: An Experimental Pragmatic Analysis. Journal of Language Sciences 19(1), 351-364. (KCI)  [PDF]


Hong, Seung-Jin. (2010) A metapragmatic analysis of Korean honorific markers, -ôyo, -ciyo and –pnita, Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics XIII (pp. 245-254). Harvard-Yenching Institute.


Lee, S. & Hong, Seung-Jin. (2009) Functions of Elliptical Utterances: A pragmatics Analysis. Discourse and Cognition 16, 1.  [PDF]


Cho, Taehong (2006) Manifestation of Prosodic Structure in Articulation:Evidence from Lip Kinematics in English. Laboratory Phonology 8. (Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter), pp. 519-548.  [PDF]